Walking on to this snake would mean either a fatal bite or... a fatal bite. Black Mamba is known for their extreme aggressiveness when threatened and you can only escape their well-known "kiss of death" if you spotted the snake from a distance.

source: africaunauthorised.com
As you can see from the image, Black Mamba has a more brownish skin rather than black. This is because it's name is derived from the intense black coloring of the inside of it's mouth rather than the color of it's skin.
Range of Black Mamba throughout Africa
source: www.bbc.co.uk
Originating from Africa, Black Mamba has a reputation of being the most dangerous and feared snake in the territory and continent itself. What makes it deadlier than other aggressive snakes is that, Black Mambas have the record for being the fastest snake in the world, which means, it will be insanely difficult to escape from. They've the honorable speed record of 11km/h which is close to the speed of riding a bike (15.5 km/h).
Despite being widely recognized for it's fatal venom and aggressive behaviour, Black Mamba's bite cases are very rare. This might be due to the species avoiding confrontations and inhabiting the less populated area of the location. From 1957 to 1963, there are over 900 venomous snake bites that happened in South Africa, along with 7 Black Mambas'. Out of all the 900 bites, 21 ended in fatalities including all 7 of Black Mambas' bite. Without the application of anti-venoms and proper medication, the survival rate for a Black Mamba's bite is 0%.
source: africageographic.com
Aggressiveness and speed. What else can you get from a Black Mamba? Length.
Black Mamba is the longest venomous snake in Africa and the second longest in the world, right next to the King Cobra. Longest recorded length ever achieved was 4.5 meters but the normal size for an adult snake ranges from 2 to 3 meters. This helps Black Mamba's to move faster and be more agile while hunting and defending itself. This snake can also rise two thirds of it's body above the ground while gliding towards a threatening and provoking creature which is quite fascinating in the world of Serpentes.
Click here to see the a documentary of Black Mambas!
P:S : This is my favorite snake!
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